Parameter Structure Description(PSD)

PSD refers to the description of the source code, including class name, class member variable information, class function information, and various types of information.Type information refers to the data types of function parameters, global variables, and return values. Complex data types are expanded layer by layer to built-in types (char, int, string, and so on).The PSD structure is stored in an XML file, and different XML files store different description information.

RecordDecl.xml: store the analysis and development results of structures ,unions and classes in the entire project.

EnumDecl:store the enumerate information in the entire project.

filename.xml : store function information for each file.

A brief description of some attributes is as follows:

Type attribute

StructureOrClassType Structures type
ZOA_FUNC function pointer type
ZOA_UNION union type
ZOA_ENUM enumeration type
ClassType class type

Basetype attribute

BuiltinType built-in type
ArrayType array type
PointerType pointer type
StructureOrClassType Structures type
UnionType union type
EnumType enumeration type
FunctionPointType function pointer type

Other attributes

Name Represents the names of structures, classes, and unions
NodeType linked lists
parmType function parameter
parNum The number of function
SystemVar type in system include
value The value of the enumeration type
bitfield Bytes occupied by bitfield
returnType return type
Field member of class
Method class constructor
paramName class constructor parameter name
paramType class constructor parameter types
TemplateArgumentType Template parameter type
TemplateArgumentValue The parameters in the structure are concrete values
FunctionModifiers function access
FunctionAttribute Function is extern or static function
FuncClassName The class to which the function belongs
OperatorFundecl Overload operator functions
Operator Overload operator types

C language PSD structure description

For complex types, such as the structure type location_s , in addition to the basic data type, the member variable also contains the structure type. In the code shown in the following figure 2, the location_s contains the coordinate_s structure, and FILE and other types of information To distinguish between different types.


The PSD storage structure of FIG . 2 above is shown in FIG. 3 , where the description information of the structure mainly includes member variable names, types of member variables, and information such as judging whether the member variable is a system variable or a linked list. For different information, different information processing is done during driver generation or parameter capture.


C ++ PSD structure description

C ++ mainly indicates that the type is a class, so the test is that c ++ takes a class as a unit for testing. The class mainly includes the member variable name and type information of the class, and the access permission information of the member variable. The member functions of the class are divided into constructors, inline functions, virtual functions, etc., parameter information and type information of member functions.
