C ++ unit testing

C ++ is mainly for testing each class, wings will automatically generate the driver code of each class and the corresponding GoogleTest code.

Naming rules

The file name corresponding to the driver generated by each class is: driver + class name.cc and .h , the name of the driver class is: Driver + ClassName ( class name ) , there are many operator overloaded functions in c ++ , in order to ensure the uniqueness of the function, The functions for the class are numbered from 0 , that is, Driver + function name + number.

Generate code

The corresponding test class code will be generated for each class in C ++ . As shown in below, Rectangle is the class under test and contains 3 member variables of type Point , int , std :: string, assuming Rectangle as the function parameter, the configuration of such object requires . 3 members variable assignment, WINGS automatically inserts a constructor in the source code for each class, the member variable assignment.

class Rectangle
        Point *m_point;
        int m_z;
        std::string name;
        int GetVolume();
        void PrintVolume(Rectangle *rect, int parm);
        Rectangle(Point *m_point, int m_z, std::string name, bool wings)
                this->m_point = m_point;
                this->m_z = m_z;
                this->name = name;
#include "Rectangle.h"
#include "driver.h"
class DriverRectangle {
  DriverRectangle(Json::Value Root, int times);
  int DriverRectangleGetVolume0(int times);
  void ReturnDriver_GetVolume0(int returnType);
  int GetVolume0Times;
  int DriverRectanglePrintVolume1(int times);
  int PrintVolume1Times;
  Rectangle *_Rectangle;

For each driver class in below, a corresponding constructor will be generated to initialize the tested class, as shown in below :

DriverRectangle::DriverRectangle(Json::Value Root, int times) {
  Json::Value Rectangle_Root = Root["Rectangle" + to_string(times)];
  int pointSize = 0;
  Json::Value m_point_Root = Rectangle_Root["m_point"][pointSize];
  /* m_x */
  int _m_point_m_x = m_point_Root["m_x"].asInt();
  /* m_y */
  int _m_point_m_y = m_point_Root["m_y"].asInt();
  Point *_m_point = new Point(_m_point_m_x, _m_point_m_y, false);
  /* m_z */
  int _m_z = Rectangle_Root["m_z"].asInt();
  string _name = Rectangle_Root["name"].asString();
  _Rectangle = new Rectangle(_m_point, _m_z, _name, false);
DriverRectangle::~DriverRectangle() {
  if (_Rectangle != nullptr) {
        delete _Rectangle;

In the driver class, a driver function is generated for each function. As shown in below :

int DriverRectangle::DriverRectanglePrintVolume1(int times) {
  PrintVolume1Times = times;
  /* Root is the json object of the value file.PrintVolume1_Root is
   * function.PrintVolume1 is json object.  */
  const char *jsonFilePath = "drivervalue/Rectangle/PrintVolume1.json";
  Json::Value Root;
  Json::Reader _reader;
  ifstream _ifs(jsonFilePath);
  _reader.parse(_ifs, Root);
  Json::Value PrintVolume1_Root = Root["PrintVolume1" + to_string(times)];
  /*It is the 1 parameter: rect    PrintVolume1*/
  int pointSize = 0;
  Json::Value rect_Root = PrintVolume1_Root["rect"][pointSize];
  int pointSize = 0;
  Json::Value m_point_Root = rect_Root["m_point"][pointSize];
  /* m_x */
  int _rect_m_point_m_x = m_point_Root["m_x"].asInt();
  /* m_y */
  int _rect_m_point_m_y = m_point_Root["m_y"].asInt();
  Point *_rect_m_point = new Point(_rect_m_point_m_x, _rect_m_point_m_y, false);
  /* m_z */
  int _rect_m_z = rect_Root["m_z"].asInt();
  string _rect_name = rect_Root["name"].asString();
  Rectangle *_rect = new Rectangle(_rect_m_point, _rect_m_z, _rect_name, false);
  /*It is the 2 parameter: parm    PrintVolume1*/
  int _parm = PrintVolume1_Root["parm"].asInt();
  // The Function of Class    Call
  _Rectangle->PrintVolume(_rect, _parm);
  return 0;